Est. May 1999
Sanitizing Products
Against Coronavirus
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UV & IR Reflectant Thermal Insulator
100% Waterproofing because Water (clusters) can not pass through
the nano-structure of our nano-resin
 Contains 36% of pure Nano Acryl GP 
Ready to be applied - Any kind of dilution will void the warranty
1. Reflective thermal insulation
2. Protects against UV and infrared radiation
3. Resists extreme weather
4. 100% waterproof
5. Resists the constant presence of puddles
6. Resistant to marine and / or saline environments
7. Resistant to inorganic acids
8. Elongation capability more than 250%
9. Highly resistant to pollution
10. Resists animal waste
11. 100% washable with household detergents
12. High performance, up to 1.6 m2 per liter
13. Instant Solution; easy application
1. Special for flat roofs (no slope)
2. Swimming pools
3. Septic tanks
4. Drainage of agricultural waste
5. Cloth or plastic tarps on terraces, gardens, nurseries, etc.
6. Exterior of refrigerated trucks, trailers, train cars, containers, etc.
7. Industrial storage tanks
8. Pipelines
9. Air conditioning and cooling ducts
10. Industrial or residential water tanks
Sun Glare 5 resists :
Extreme Weather - Salinity and Humidity of Marine Environment
Pollution - Animal Waste - Bird Drops - Permanent Puddles - Inorganic Acids

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All nasacoat Nano-Coatings are 100% :
Water Based - Non Toxic - Free of poisoning Lead, Heavy Metals, Ammonia,
Organic Vapors Emission = 0 VOC - Free of cheap monomers : Styrene, Vinyl and VEOVA,
100% Ecological = Environmental Friendly and
Sustainable, but also for the Final User
Sustainable Materials for a Better and Healthy Future

The application of asphalt carpets is time consuming and very expensive and you have no thermal insulation. It is toxic and not environmental friendly. In Summer you have a baking oven inside your house and in Winter it is freezing cold. Hence you spend a lot of money for cooling or heating.

With any Sun Glare product you have an easy, instant and very economic application. Additionally, thanks to the heat as well as cold repellency, you have an environmental friendly non toxic and sustainable protection for many guaranteed years.